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Chris Williamson's Daily Routine: Mastering Productivity and Personal Growth

Chris Williamson

Podcaster, Entrepreneur, and Personal Development Advocate

Chris Williamson is the creator and host of the Modern Wisdom podcast, one of the world's most popular podcasts with over 1000 episodes and 100 million+ downloads. With a background in psychology and a passion for personal growth, Chris interviews world-class guests to extract actionable insights for his audience.

ProductivityLearningPhysical FitnessMental ClarityContent Creation

Discover how Chris Williamson, host of the Modern Wisdom podcast, structures his day for maximum productivity, learning, and personal development. From morning rituals to evening wind-down, get an inside look at the habits that fuel his success.

Chris Williamson - Morning Routine

Chris Williamson's morning routine is designed to optimize his physical and mental state for the day ahead.

5:30 AM - 9:00 AM


Wake Up and Hydrate

Chris starts his day early, immediately hydrating with a mix of water and electrolytes.

The first 30 minutes of your day set the tone for everything else.

Chris Williamson's day begins at 5:30 AM, a time he's found optimal for his circadian rhythm and productivity. The first thing he does is hydrate, recognizing the importance of replenishing fluids after a night's sleep. He often uses a high-quality electrolyte mix to jumpstart his hydration and mineral balance. This practice is backed by research showing that proper hydration upon waking can boost metabolism and cognitive function. Chris emphasizes, "Hydration is the foundation of my day. It's a simple habit, but it makes a world of difference in how I feel and perform." He typically consumes about 500ml of water with electrolytes, sipping it slowly over the first 15-20 minutes of his morning.

Morning Movement and Sunlight Exposure

Chris engages in light exercise and ensures exposure to natural light to regulate his circadian rhythm.

Movement and sunlight are non-negotiables in my morning routine. They set the stage for everything else.

Following hydration, Chris moves into a crucial part of his routine: morning movement and sunlight exposure. He typically steps outside for a brisk 15-20 minute walk or engages in light calisthenics, depending on the weather. This serves a dual purpose: it gets his blood flowing and exposes him to natural light, which is crucial for regulating his circadian rhythm. Chris often uses a fitness tracker to monitor his morning activity and ensure he's hitting his movement goals. Research has shown that exposure to morning sunlight can help improve mood, increase alertness, and regulate sleep patterns. Chris notes, "Getting outside first thing in the morning, even on cloudy days, has been transformative for my energy levels and overall well-being." He often combines this time with breathwork or meditation, using techniques he's learned from guests on his podcast to center himself for the day ahead.

Cold Exposure and Breathing Exercises

Chris incorporates cold therapy and specific breathing techniques to boost his energy and focus.

The discomfort of cold exposure is temporary, but the benefits last all day.

After his morning movement, Chris transitions to a practice that's become integral to his routine: cold exposure. He typically takes a cold shower or uses a portable ice bath for 2-3 minutes. This practice, popularized by figures like Wim Hof, has been shown to improve circulation, reduce inflammation, and boost mood. Chris combines this with specific breathing exercises, often using the Wim Hof method or box breathing. He explains, "The combination of cold exposure and controlled breathing is like a reset button for my nervous system. It's challenging, but the mental clarity and energy boost I get are unparalleled." Research published in the journal PLOS One has demonstrated that regular cold exposure can lead to increased brown adipose tissue activation and improved insulin sensitivity. Chris often recommends newcomers to start with 15 seconds of cold water at the end of their normal shower and gradually increase the duration.

Journaling and Goal Setting

Chris spends time writing in his journal and reviewing his goals for the day and week.

Clarity comes from engagement, not just thought. Writing is thinking on paper.

Following his invigorating cold exposure, Chris dedicates time to journaling and goal setting. He uses a structured journal that incorporates elements of gratitude practice, goal setting, and reflection. "This practice helps me clarify my thoughts and set intentions for the day," Chris explains. "It's not just about writing down to-do lists, but about aligning my daily actions with my larger goals and values." He typically spends about 15-20 minutes on this practice, using prompts inspired by stoic philosophy and modern psychology. Research from the University of Texas at Austin has shown that expressive writing can lead to increased working memory capacity, which Chris finds crucial for his podcast preparation and content creation. During this time, he also reviews his goals for the day and week, ensuring that his upcoming activities align with his broader objectives. Chris often recommends the practice of "fear setting," popularized by Tim Ferriss, as a powerful journaling exercise for overcoming mental barriers and taking calculated risks.

Chris Williamson - Work Routine

Chris Williamson's work routine is structured to maximize productivity and creative output for his podcast and content creation.

9:00 AM - 3:00 PM


Deep Work Session

Chris starts his workday with a focused deep work session, often dedicated to podcast research or content creation.

The ability to perform deep work is becoming increasingly rare at exactly the same time it is becoming increasingly valuable in our economy.

Chris begins his work routine with a dedicated deep work session, a concept popularized by Cal Newport. He uses a pair of high-quality noise-cancelling headphones to minimize distractions and enter a state of flow. "This first deep work block is crucial for tackling my most cognitively demanding tasks," Chris explains. He often uses this time for in-depth research for upcoming podcast episodes, writing scripts for his YouTube content, or working on book projects. Chris employs the Pomodoro Technique, working in focused 25-minute blocks followed by 5-minute breaks. He uses a specialized Pomodoro timer to maintain this rhythm. Research published in the Journal of Applied Psychology has shown that regular breaks can actually increase productivity and creativity. Chris adds, "I've found that these structured work periods allow me to maintain high levels of focus and produce higher quality work in less time."

Podcast Recording or Guest Interviews

Chris dedicates time to recording podcast episodes or interviewing guests for Modern Wisdom.

The key to a great interview is genuine curiosity and thorough preparation.

Following his deep work session, Chris often transitions to podcast recording or guest interviews. He uses a professional-grade podcast microphone and audio interface to ensure high-quality recordings. "Preparation is key for these interviews," Chris emphasizes. "I spend hours researching each guest and crafting questions that will lead to insightful conversations." He typically allocates 1-2 hours for each interview, allowing for in-depth discussions. Chris has developed a unique interviewing style that combines deep subject knowledge with an ability to make complex topics accessible to his audience. He often uses a digital notepad during interviews to jot down follow-up questions or key points. "The goal is always to extract actionable wisdom that my listeners can apply to their own lives," Chris explains. His interview technique has been praised by guests and listeners alike for its depth and relatability.

Lunch and Learning

Chris combines his lunch break with continued learning, often listening to audiobooks or podcasts.

Every meal is an opportunity to nourish both body and mind.

Chris takes a break from active content creation to refuel both his body and mind. He typically prepares a nutrient-dense meal, often following principles from books like 'The Longevity Diet' by Dr. Valter Longo. "I view food as fuel for high performance," Chris explains. "I focus on whole foods, plenty of vegetables, and lean proteins." During this time, he also engages in passive learning, often listening to audiobooks or podcasts from other creators in the personal development space. He uses high-quality wireless earbuds for this purpose. "This habit allows me to stay current with the latest ideas in my field while taking care of my physical needs," Chris notes. Research from the University of California has shown that this type of multitasking during routine activities can significantly increase knowledge acquisition over time. Chris often uses a note-taking app to quickly jot down ideas or insights that come up during these sessions, which he can later incorporate into his content.

Content Editing and Social Media Engagement

Chris spends time editing podcast episodes and engaging with his audience on social media platforms.

Editing is where the magic happens. It's where good content becomes great.

In the afternoon, Chris shifts his focus to refining his content and connecting with his audience. He uses professional audio editing software to polish his podcast episodes, ensuring they meet his high standards for quality and engagement. "Editing is crucial," Chris emphasizes. "It's where I can enhance the clarity of ideas and ensure the conversation flows smoothly for listeners." He's developed a keen ear for pacing and narrative structure, which he attributes to studying storytelling techniques from various media. Alongside editing, Chris dedicates time to engaging with his audience on social media platforms. He uses a social media management tool to streamline his posting and engagement across multiple platforms. "Direct interaction with my audience is invaluable," Chris explains. "It helps me understand their needs, gather feedback, and build a genuine community." He often uses this time to share behind-the-scenes glimpses of his work process, tease upcoming episodes, or start discussions around recent podcast topics. Chris believes that this consistent engagement has been key to building his loyal following and fostering a culture of continuous learning among his audience.

Chris Williamson - Afternoon Routine

Chris Williamson's afternoon routine focuses on physical activity, personal development, and preparing for the evening.

3:00 PM - 7:00 PM


Physical Training

Chris dedicates time to intense physical training, combining strength and cardiovascular exercises.

Physical training is a non-negotiable part of my day. It's as much for my mind as it is for my body.

Chris transitions from mental to physical work in the mid-afternoon, a time he's found optimal for his energy levels. He follows a varied training regimen that includes strength training, high-intensity interval training (HIIT), and mobility work. "I view physical training as a crucial investment in my overall well-being and cognitive function," Chris explains. He often uses a comprehensive fitness app to track his workouts and ensure progressive overload. For strength training, Chris focuses on compound movements like deadlifts, squats, and pull-ups, using a versatile home gym setup. He incorporates HIIT sessions using equipment like kettlebells or a rowing machine for cardiovascular health. Research published in the Journal of Physiology has shown that afternoon exercise can help optimize performance and potentially lead to greater training adaptations. Chris adds, "I've found that consistent physical training not only improves my health but also enhances my mental clarity and podcast performance."

Recovery and Reflection

Chris engages in recovery practices and reflects on the day's progress and upcoming commitments.

Recovery is where the real gains happen, both physically and mentally.

Following his intense workout, Chris prioritizes recovery to maximize the benefits of his training and prepare for the evening ahead. He often starts with a 10-15 minute stretching routine, sometimes using a foam roller or massage gun to address any muscular tension. "Proper recovery is crucial for maintaining consistent performance," Chris notes. He then transitions into a brief meditation session, typically using a guided meditation from apps like Calm or Headspace. This practice helps him reset mentally and reflect on the day's progress. During this time, Chris also reviews his calendar and to-do list, preparing mentally for any evening commitments or the next day's tasks. He uses a productivity planner to jot down key priorities and insights. "This reflection time allows me to maintain perspective and ensure I'm staying aligned with my larger goals," Chris explains. Research from the University of California, Davis has shown that brief periods of mindfulness practice can significantly reduce stress and improve decision-making abilities.

Chris Williamson - Evening Routine

Chris Williamson's evening routine is designed to wind down, reflect, and prepare for the next day.

7:00 PM - 10:30 PM


Dinner and Social Time

Chris enjoys a nutritious dinner, often combined with social interaction or family time.

Sharing a meal is about more than just nutrition; it's about connection and perspective.

Chris begins his evening with a focus on nutrition and social connection. He prepares a balanced dinner, often following principles from The Mediterranean Diet, which he's found beneficial for cognitive function and overall health. "I try to make dinner a time to step away from work and connect with others," Chris explains. He often uses this time to catch up with family or friends, either in person or via video call. Chris believes strongly in the importance of maintaining strong social bonds for mental health and perspective. He sometimes uses a meal planning app to ensure his dinners are varied and nutritionally balanced. "I've found that planning my meals in advance helps me maintain a healthy diet without spending too much mental energy on daily decisions," he notes. Research from Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health has shown that social eating can lead to better food choices and improved mental well-being.

Reading and Learning

Chris dedicates time to reading books related to his podcast topics and personal interests.

Reading is the foundation of my podcast. It's where I find the ideas that spark great conversations.

After dinner, Chris transitions into a period of focused reading and learning. He typically reads for 1-2 hours each evening, alternating between books related to upcoming podcast topics and personal interests. "Reading widely is crucial for my work," Chris emphasizes. "It helps me draw connections between different fields and come up with unique insights for my audience." He often uses a high-quality e-reader with a paper-like display to reduce eye strain during long reading sessions. Chris employs active reading techniques, using a digital note-taking system to capture key ideas and potential podcast questions. "I've developed a system where I can quickly capture and organize insights from my reading, which becomes invaluable during podcast preparation," he explains. Chris also occasionally listens to audiobooks during this time, especially for re-reading familiar texts. He uses comfortable sleep headphones for this purpose. Studies from the University of Sussex have shown that reading for just six minutes can reduce stress levels by up to 68%, making it an effective way to wind down in the evening.

Evening Journal and Next Day Prep

Chris spends time journaling about his day and preparing for the next day.

Evening reflection is like cleaning up your mental desktop. It leaves you fresh and clear for the next day.

As his day winds down, Chris engages in a crucial practice of reflection and preparation. He uses a digital journaling app to record his thoughts, achievements, and areas for improvement from the day. "This evening journaling practice helps me process the day's events and maintain a growth mindset," Chris explains. He often uses prompts inspired by stoic philosophy, such as those found in 'The Daily Stoic Journal'. During this time, Chris also reviews his schedule for the next day, ensuring he's prepared for upcoming commitments. He uses a productivity planner to outline his main priorities and any necessary preparations. "By clarifying my priorities the night before, I wake up with a clear sense of purpose and direction," he notes. Research from the University of Texas has shown that this type of evening planning can significantly reduce anxiety and improve sleep quality.

Sleep Optimization

Chris follows a specific routine to optimize his sleep quality and duration.

Quality sleep is the foundation of peak performance. It's non-negotiable in my routine.

The final part of Chris's day is dedicated to optimizing his sleep. He begins by dimming the lights and using blue light blocking glasses to signal to his body that it's time to wind down. "Controlling my light exposure in the evening has been game-changing for my sleep quality," Chris shares. He sets his bedroom temperature to around 65°F (18°C), which research has shown to be optimal for sleep. Chris uses a sleep tracking device to monitor his sleep patterns and make data-driven improvements to his routine. Before bed, he often does a brief meditation or breathing exercise using a guided session from a meditation app. "This helps me clear my mind and transition into a restful state," he explains. Chris is strict about maintaining a consistent sleep schedule, aiming to be in bed by 10:30 PM to allow for a full 7 hours of sleep before his 5:30 AM wake-up. He uses a white noise machine to mask any disruptive sounds and create an optimal sleep environment. "Prioritizing sleep has been one of the most impactful changes I've made for my overall well-being and productivity," Chris emphasizes. Studies from the National Sleep Foundation have consistently shown the critical role of quality sleep in cognitive function, emotional regulation, and physical health.

Chris Williamson's Routine: Q&A